Tuesday 7th June 2016 AM

Today I woke up in pain as I do most morning’s, but there was more than usual pain, I had pain in the right side of my chest in line with my nipple but under my arm. The pain was a throbbing, as Claire came in the room to say good bye as she was leaving early for work, I leaned towards her as I always do, generally this stretching is painful in it self but this time the pain was very sharp causing me to express verbally my discomfort.
So I got up had my breakfast took my medication as I do with my normal routine, then headed to the shower as I have Job club today, were I must go and attend an office of sorts and participate in the looking and documenting of my efforts to find suitable employment.
So as it is June and is now winter in Australia and due to the fact I live at a base of the Blue Mountains it is quite cold in the morning general around the 2 to 5 degrees.
So I wait for the water to warm before embarking on my shower which I do enjoy as it gives me some relief from my general  akes and pains. But unfortunately as I went to raise my right arm above my head to reach for the shampoo, I uttered another thread of pain as I found my arm was refusing to raise itself, pain in my right shoulder blade was intence. So I tried to relax before I attempted again this time to put the shampoo that was now cupped in my hand to laver up my hair, once again my body protested with this movement, unfortunately there was not much I could do because I did need the shower and now I had soap suds in my hair and it wouldn’t be long before the water hitting my head would make these soap suds run down my face and into my eyes, so I grimesed, and did my best. Yeah show was over, normally an enjoyable activity today presented with its challenges. Don’t get me wrong I’m truly blessed and very incredibly lucky to be living in one of the most amazing countries on earth, and I don’t suffer from server poverty or am under persecution. So I do thank God every day, for the blessings he does bring me.

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